23rd of March - Copiapo to Laguna Santa Rosa 222km 7h44
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An early wake up brought us quickly into the desert...Our target was the National Park Nevado Tres Cruces, close to the Argentinian border and very close to the Cerro Ojos de Salado, with 6.893m height the second highest mountain in the Americas.

Lost a screw :-)

Salar de Maricunga. Our first salt lake on a whopping altitude of nearly 3.900 m. Before we just went over a pass with 4.400m height. Breath comes shortly.

Guanacos love the height

The Laguna Santa Rosa. Amazing colors.

Somewhere I read about inquisitive desert foxes. Indeed.

In the back one can see the small Conaf Refugio. No service, no heating, no nothing but awsome on an altitude of 3.880 m.
The night was freezing cold; the next moring I had ice on the motorbike.

Cave woman..

and cave man. Later in the night troubled by headache. We were definitely not adjusted to the height. But we have to train for Bolivia.
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An early wake up brought us quickly into the desert...Our target was the National Park Nevado Tres Cruces, close to the Argentinian border and very close to the Cerro Ojos de Salado, with 6.893m height the second highest mountain in the Americas.
Lost a screw :-)
Salar de Maricunga. Our first salt lake on a whopping altitude of nearly 3.900 m. Before we just went over a pass with 4.400m height. Breath comes shortly.
Guanacos love the height
The Laguna Santa Rosa. Amazing colors.
Somewhere I read about inquisitive desert foxes. Indeed.
In the back one can see the small Conaf Refugio. No service, no heating, no nothing but awsome on an altitude of 3.880 m.
The night was freezing cold; the next moring I had ice on the motorbike.
Cave woman..
and cave man. Later in the night troubled by headache. We were definitely not adjusted to the height. But we have to train for Bolivia.