12th of April - Villa Serrano to La Higuera
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Just 15km outside of Villa Serrano...the decision left or right. Left was correct. :-)

Rain forest again

Ants breeding in cocoons...millions

Great landscape...passing small villages (means 4-5 houses:-)

Approaching Rio Grande

Ying a bit miffed...for a photo before I stopped a bit too hard and on the last meter my front wheel lost grip in the deep gravel and zack we were on the ground

Still miffed...:-)

Arrival in La Higuera, maybe 12 houses up here?!

La Hostal "Los Amigos" lovely made by lovely people: Christian and Nanu, which arrived only the next day.

Just to make it clear: WE DO NOT SYMPATHIZE with the ideology of Che Guevara or with communism in general. Che was a guerilla and started his war here. If it was neccesary that the Americans involved as well is another question.

Studying maps with Christian...He sold Mercedes in France and later had a night bar for 10 years. When the anti smoking law was passed he sold his bar. Nanu and he bought VW Bus like van and drove for 2 years thru South America in search for a nice spot for a Hostal or similar. They drove up to La Higuera, sold their car and bought the house and ground. That's it.

The next day at the memorial

some "wildlife" around there

the pig making a miffed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii at me because it wanted my pack of cigs

the one room "Che" museum; though interesting

After we made a small trekking tour through the wilderness...mules showing us a path :-)

with "snake detector":-) Nanu and Christian told us that everything is out here...snakes, spiders...a dead tarantula we found in the garden, just in front of our room

By the way: More than 100 sorts of maize are cultivated (without gene technology!) in Bolivia/ Peru.

In the late afternoon Dana and Felix arrived

Nanu and Christian...un poco locco :-)

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Just 15km outside of Villa Serrano...the decision left or right. Left was correct. :-)
Rain forest again
Ants breeding in cocoons...millions
Great landscape...passing small villages (means 4-5 houses:-)
Approaching Rio Grande
Ying a bit miffed...for a photo before I stopped a bit too hard and on the last meter my front wheel lost grip in the deep gravel and zack we were on the ground
Still miffed...:-)
Arrival in La Higuera, maybe 12 houses up here?!
La Hostal "Los Amigos" lovely made by lovely people: Christian and Nanu, which arrived only the next day.
Just to make it clear: WE DO NOT SYMPATHIZE with the ideology of Che Guevara or with communism in general. Che was a guerilla and started his war here. If it was neccesary that the Americans involved as well is another question.
Studying maps with Christian...He sold Mercedes in France and later had a night bar for 10 years. When the anti smoking law was passed he sold his bar. Nanu and he bought VW Bus like van and drove for 2 years thru South America in search for a nice spot for a Hostal or similar. They drove up to La Higuera, sold their car and bought the house and ground. That's it.
The next day at the memorial
some "wildlife" around there
the pig making a miffed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii at me because it wanted my pack of cigs
the one room "Che" museum; though interesting
After we made a small trekking tour through the wilderness...mules showing us a path :-)
with "snake detector":-) Nanu and Christian told us that everything is out here...snakes, spiders...a dead tarantula we found in the garden, just in front of our room
By the way: More than 100 sorts of maize are cultivated (without gene technology!) in Bolivia/ Peru.
In the late afternoon Dana and Felix arrived
Nanu and Christian...un poco locco :-)