10th of Feb – Cochrane via Cerro Castillo to Coihaique 280km

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Again 180km on gravel roads but this time through beautiful rainforest. The big trees in the impenetrable jungle are amazing and the Nalca with their supersize leaves, wow. We were so lucky to experience this in good weather. Later we were told that 30 days continuous rainfall is not seldom in this region.

El Bosque Muerto...the dead forest. What men did here in the 50's and 60's...fill the earth and subdue it.

Our imbiss stop in Cerro Castillo. Just enough cash in our pocket to buy a sandwich and french fries. As I wrote before we couldn't get money in Cochrane.

Even though it looks like it but we didn't got a single rain drop on our way to Cohaique

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